Red Raspberry Leaf tea has long been used and medically proven to strengthen the womb of a pregnant woman, restoring the womb after delivering, and keeping the general tone and health of the uterus through all ages of a woman's life.

Red Raspberry has very positive medicinal affects on men as well. Increased fertility for instance. That's why animal breeders add Red Raspberry to feed to increase male fertility.

Nettles is full of minerals necessary for the body's metabolic processes and hibiscus is great blood tonic and builder.

Mix these three teas together and place the mix (about 4 tbsp) in a tea ball. Bring water to a boil, let cool for a minute, then pour hot water over tea ball in a glass quart jar. Cover with ceramic lid or plate (no plastic please) and let infuse overnight. Drink the quart the next day.



Mix these three teas together and place the mix (about 4 tbsp) in a tea ball. Bring water to a boil, let cool for a minute, then pour hot water over tea ball in a glass quart jar. Cover with ceramic lid or plate (no plastic please) and let infuse overnight. Drink the quart the next day.

Where to order - Go to bulk herbs, then find each herb alphabetically listed  - Go to bulk herbs, then find each herb